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ohva's spare time

I am ohva from The Dome. This is my personal tumblr, but The Dome is my favorite place to be, so you will see announcements for The Dome events. We like to watch movies and TV together, and you are welcome to join in. If volume fandom ever gets too crazy for you, please visit The Dome’s laid-back “corner bar and grill” version of fandom. Lurk all you want. The Dome is run by a group of fans/friends who have been following our group of Swedish actors for many years. We run the forum for ourselves, and focus mostly on the Skarsgårds and Joel Kinnaman. We also like to follow news of Fares Fares, Daniel Espinosa, Alicia Vikander, Noomi Rapace, and Matias Varela, among others. http://skarsgard.yuku.com/directory#.U7CffvldXuJ The Dome Forums are on Twitter. We pledge not to spam you with filler and self-promotions. We do like to share interesting news. @TheDomeForums I focus mostly on Joel Kinnaman and Gustaf Skarsgård. If you are interested in only Joel Kinnaman, I also have a tumblr dedicated exclusively to him at http://justjoelkinnaman.tumblr.com/. . You will also get random posts that pertain only to my interests.

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