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Conservative/traditionalist blog

My name is Hailey. I’m a female conservative who is pro-life, pro-gun, pro-traditional marriage, a Christian, anti-islam and an anti-feminist. I’m also a strong supporter of traditional values. (I used to be prolife93) Traditionwithoutcompromise is my sister blog. :) I adore my bestie!Outside of my political beliefs I am a huge fan of TV shows such as The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, iZombie, The Flash and Arrow. Favorite anime: Inuyasha, Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, and many others like them. Also, if you wish to use my link to get 50 points on Feature Points then go here: http://featu.re/9X39SF

Feed: Related:

Reblog if you believe men and women are equal and you do not identify as a feminist

My name is Hailey. I’m a female conservative who is pro-life, pro-gun, pro-traditional marriage, a Christian, anti-islam and an anti-feminist. I’m also a strong supporter of traditional values. (I used to be prolife93) Traditionwithoutcompromise is my sister blog. :) I adore my bestie!Outside of my political beliefs I am a huge fan of TV shows such as The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, iZombie, The Flash and Arrow. Favorite anime: Inuyasha, Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, and many others like them. Also, if you wish to use my link to get 50 points on Feature Points then go here: http://featu.re/9X39SF
