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luvmychem's Journals on Buzznet

♠ My nAmE's AriaNNa ♠ i Was BoRn oN 21st jUNe 1992 ♠ i LiVe iN tReNtO witH mY fAmiLy ♠ i'Ve gOt a Dog anD A sTUpiD cAt ♠ i THinK schOOL sUCks (heY, wHo doeSN't??), bUt SadLy IT's VerY imPOrtAnT tOO ♠ i caN soMETImeS Be SHy.. ♠ ..I'm A biT cruEL whEn SoMeBOdY huRTs Me.. ♠ ..BUt IN thE enD i'M abSolUtELy 'LOvELy'!!LoL ♠ noTHinG scARes ME..AnD i'm VerY pROud Of It ♠ i'M sTudYinG enGLisH aNd GerMan aNd I rEaLLy LiKe iT =] ♠ I do arCHerY anD.. ♠ ..i'Ve Got A BLue BoW caLLed MaTTheW JaMEs BeLLamY anD.. ♠ SomeTHinG (I dON't rEmembER eXacTLY wHAt) caLLeD GaSPaRD ♠ My faVOuRite moVIe (At tHe mOMent) iS haNNibal riSing ♥♥ I LUV.. ♥♥ ♥ My CHemICal RomAnCE AnD.. ♥ ..gERArd WaY ♥ hAnnIbAl lEcTer ♥ VaMpiReS ♥ my DOg ♥ THe BLooD ♥ thE BLaCK ♥ StArs ♥ GerMaNy aNd ThE uSa ♥ CHinEse fOOd ♥ PiZZa ♥ LIpToN iCe TeA ♥ mY cOMpUtER [whEN iT dOes WoRk] ♥ StAyINg aT hoMe ALoNE ♥ VacAtIOnS ♥ wHen It SnoWs ♥ ..tO sAy : 'GUyS, Be CaRefUL, TOdAy I biTe!!' ♥ sTepHenIE mEyER's BookS ♥ JaRed LeTo ♥ GasPard uLLiEl ♥ LuCa ToNI •• I HATE.. •• • whEN pEopLe DOn'T PaY AttENtioN to Me or.. • ..trY tO mAkE mE gET ANgRY!! • ..MaKIng MYstAkEs • ..HavINg BroWn HaIR • WHen PeOplE tELL mE wHaT to DO • cRYinG
