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Jenn. 25. ISFJ. cisgender female with PTSD, OCD, bipolar disorder, & generalized/social anxiety disorder. she/her pronouns. fat. queer. aromantic. aries. californian. feminist. activist. agnostic atheist. artist. web-designer. amateur pianist. photo filter enthusiast. internet addict. drugs. cats. cheap wine. books. kinda boring tbh.



Jenn. 25. ISFJ. cisgender female with PTSD, OCD, bipolar disorder, & generalized/social anxiety disorder. she/her pronouns. fat. queer. aromantic. aries. californian. feminist. activist. agnostic atheist. artist. web-designer. amateur pianist. photo filter enthusiast. internet addict. drugs. cats. cheap wine. books. kinda boring tbh.



Jenn. 25. ISFJ. cisgender female with PTSD, OCD, bipolar disorder, & generalized/social anxiety disorder. she/her pronouns. fat. queer. aromantic. aries. californian. feminist. activist. agnostic atheist. artist. web-designer. amateur pianist. photo filter enthusiast. internet addict. drugs. cats. cheap wine. books. kinda boring tbh.
