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anordinarywoman » culture

Welcome to an ordinary woman with ordinary interests - interior design, people, food, fashion, travel - simply beautiful everyday things. You could say that I'm a beauty follower. But mind you, It's not about the surface in that sense, rather about the beauty in people & things. I try to credit the source but if I've made an error or you're not happy with me using an image, please let me know. I hope you find this blog inspiring & thus get the urge to visit again...& again :)



Visiting the Gyeongbokgung palace in Seoul today. People are wearing Hanbok which is a Korean traditional dress & refers to the traditional clothes worn by men, women & children.Hanboks are colou...



There’s a lot of speculations that travel habits will change, decrease & domestic options will be the future. Very possible, but the longing for a different culture, different experiences, nati...
