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Nerdy Shirty

This blog is mainly about nerdy t-shirts with a focus on indie designers. I also feature other nerdy/geeky things on occasion. Just a crazy artist woman sharing awesome nerdy/geeky things I enjoy. I add what I come across. If you make nerdy/geeky things and would like a feature of an item, scroll on down to where it says “Show us your nerdy” on the sidebar to submit. Got a suggestion for nerdy music to add to the player up top? email me at nerdyshirty@JolieBonnette.com. If I can find it, I’ll add it. ;-) If you want to see what I’m about, please visit my art site at http://www.JolieBonnette.com OR follow my Tumblr artist blog at http://joliebonnette.tumblr.com. 3D Studio Collectibles & 3D Models Doctor Who On eBayBusted Tees
