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Ain’t no thing like me, ‘cept me.The somewhat random tumblr of a somewhat random mind. Slytherin.Check out my Hogwarts House theory blog. Submissions welcome!For my Jupiter Ascending stuff, go to House Atrashax.Hatchlings for sale on my Flight Rising page!How to save and organize fic.My fic and art recs.My archive.*** My AltarMain:–Anubis–Set–Maat–Loki–Fenris Wolf–Hati & Skoll–Jormungandr–Hel–Sleipnir–Mary & ChristBackground:–Aset–Sekhmet–Bast–Thoth–Sobek–Icarus–Loki’s Family *** Defend to the Death–Severus–Regulus–Draco–Loki–Bucky–Steve–Mulder–Scully–Thomas Barrow–Elphaba–Dream–Maleficent–Diaval–Chihiro–Haku–Batman *** Amortentia–Autumn leaves–Beeswax–Frankincense–Lilacs–Old books–Rain–The sea–Woodsmoke ***



Ain’t no thing like me, ‘cept me.The somewhat random tumblr of a somewhat random mind. Slytherin.Check out my Hogwarts House theory blog. Submissions welcome!For my Jupiter Ascending stuff, go to House Atrashax.Hatchlings for sale on my Flight Rising page!How to save and organize fic.My fic and art recs.My archive.*** My AltarMain:–Anubis–Set–Maat–Loki–Fenris Wolf–Hati & Skoll–Jormungandr–Hel–Sleipnir–Mary & ChristBackground:–Aset–Sekhmet–Bast–Thoth–Sobek–Icarus–Loki’s Family *** Defend to the Death–Severus–Regulus–Draco–Loki–Bucky–Steve–Mulder–Scully–Thomas Barrow–Elphaba–Dream–Maleficent–Diaval–Chihiro–Haku–Batman *** Amortentia–Autumn leaves–Beeswax–Frankincense–Lilacs–Old books–Rain–The sea–Woodsmoke ***
