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PT Questions Answered

In which John Green answers reader questions about his novel Paper Towns. Before submitting your questions, please check the FAQ, because I may have already answered it (or explained why I won’t answer it). Submit your question below, and thanks for reading Paper Towns! 1. Why did you occasionally switch from writing in past tense to writing in present tense? 2. Why the interest in teenage road trips? 3. Can you please explain the meaning of the title? 4. Was it your intention to make Margo unlikeable? 5. Is there any meaning in the names you chose for this story? 6. What’s the relationship between Moby Dick and Q? 7. Why do Radar’s parents collect Black Santas? 8. Why did you choose the strings metaphor? 9. What’s the beer sword a metaphor for? 10. Are the links to Looking For Alaska intentional? 11. Do you always like to include ambiguity in your novels? 12. How do you imagine someone as a human being? 13. Do you agree that Tomorrowland is the worst land in The Magic Kingdom? 14. Was Margo a reflection of how you felt at her age? 15. Why doesn’t Margo capitalize letters in the middle of her words? 16. Isn’t Q really selfish to skip his graduation? 17. Is there going to be a Paper Towns movie? 18. Is there any reason why your main characters often have extroverted best friends? 19. Why wasn’t Q in the band with Radar and Ben? 20. Do you see your female characters as Manic Pixie Dream Girls?
