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The Girl

Still trying to figure out what I want in life! But In the mean time… Love my fandoms! Whedonite at heart. Adore Joss Whedon and all his works! -Buffy the Vampire Slayer -Angel -Firefly (Serenity) -Dr. Horrible -Dollhouse -The Avengers -Agents of Shield ALSO INTERESTED IN: -Legend of the Seeker -Harry Potter -Chronicles of Narnia -Doctor Who -Avatar the Last Airbender -The Legend of Korra -Glee -The Good Wife -Downton Abbey -Orange Is The New Black -Suits -The Walking Dead -The 100 -The L Word -Orphan Black -Jane the Virgin -Fresh Off the Boat -Agent Carter -Faking It …and some random few more I should probably mention this as fair warning (it never occurred to me before…) but this blog contains a fair amount of cussing and NSFW content of both the hetero and homo variety. You’ve been warned! Now off you go!

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Still trying to figure out what I want in life! But In the mean time… Love my fandoms! Whedonite at heart. Adore Joss Whedon and all his works! -Buffy the Vampire Slayer -Angel -Firefly (Serenity) -Dr. Horrible -Dollhouse -The Avengers -Agents of Shield ALSO INTERESTED IN: -Legend of the Seeker -Harry Potter -Chronicles of Narnia -Doctor Who -Avatar the Last Airbender -The Legend of Korra -Glee -The Good Wife -Downton Abbey -Orange Is The New Black -Suits -The Walking Dead -The 100 -The L Word -Orphan Black -Jane the Virgin -Fresh Off the Boat -Agent Carter -Faking It …and some random few more I should probably mention this as fair warning (it never occurred to me before…) but this blog contains a fair amount of cussing and NSFW content of both the hetero and homo variety. You’ve been warned! Now off you go!



Still trying to figure out what I want in life! But In the mean time… Love my fandoms! Whedonite at heart. Adore Joss Whedon and all his works! -Buffy the Vampire Slayer -Angel -Firefly (Serenity) -Dr. Horrible -Dollhouse -The Avengers -Agents of Shield ALSO INTERESTED IN: -Legend of the Seeker -Harry Potter -Chronicles of Narnia -Doctor Who -Avatar the Last Airbender -The Legend of Korra -Glee -The Good Wife -Downton Abbey -Orange Is The New Black -Suits -The Walking Dead -The 100 -The L Word -Orphan Black -Jane the Virgin -Fresh Off the Boat -Agent Carter -Faking It …and some random few more I should probably mention this as fair warning (it never occurred to me before…) but this blog contains a fair amount of cussing and NSFW content of both the hetero and homo variety. You’ve been warned! Now off you go!



Still trying to figure out what I want in life! But In the mean time… Love my fandoms! Whedonite at heart. Adore Joss Whedon and all his works! -Buffy the Vampire Slayer -Angel -Firefly (Serenity) -Dr. Horrible -Dollhouse -The Avengers -Agents of Shield ALSO INTERESTED IN: -Legend of the Seeker -Harry Potter -Chronicles of Narnia -Doctor Who -Avatar the Last Airbender -The Legend of Korra -Glee -The Good Wife -Downton Abbey -Orange Is The New Black -Suits -The Walking Dead -The 100 -The L Word -Orphan Black -Jane the Virgin -Fresh Off the Boat -Agent Carter -Faking It …and some random few more I should probably mention this as fair warning (it never occurred to me before…) but this blog contains a fair amount of cussing and NSFW content of both the hetero and homo variety. You’ve been warned! Now off you go!
