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Furry for the hell of it

i reblog things and laugh at them. I occasionally reblog furry art. (I try to keep most of it sfw here though.) (my nsfw blog: http://being-sexy-is-also-magnificent.tumblr.com) (if i reblog anything from you and it’s missing something in the description, its probably because i have severe distrust towards random links out of nowhere.) ps. i don’t own anything here, unless stated otherwise. i only SPREAD the lolz! pps. I don’t reblog/ do things from asks if it requires money, alternate websites, or the like. i apologise for any inconvienience to any people who generally mean good, it just is something i have learned from my less than pleasant expieriences over the web, as hackers and spambots can use any manner of persuasive tactics to spread their filth.

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