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Author’s Note 122: FINAL

And so it ends. One way or another, I expect to write more, though I haven’t yet settled on Precisely Bound Djinni and their Behavior versus The College of Sunlight and various other options. ...


Author’s Note, Ch. 103

The final arc of HPMOR, chapters 104 through 120, will begin posting on February 15th, 2015, at 5PM Pacific Time, and finish on March 14th, 2015, at 9AM Pacific Time.  (The first draft of 104-12...


Author’s Notes, Ch. 102

The end is now in sight!  Thanks to an extremely generous anonymous sponsor, and to the Machine Intelligence Research Institute which decided it was a wise use of my time, I will be spending Aug...


Author’s Note, Ch. 99-101

So – I begin by stating that I know Ch. 99 might be a tad controversial.  I apologize for any norms it may have violated and observe that you received 8,500 words immediately after.  (Yes, I ...
