AuthType Basic > > require valid-user > [Example .htaccess file][5] **IMPORTANT:** - HTAccess must be supported and enabled on your server - Passwords are case sensitive - Keep .htpasswd files in a secure directory [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]:" />
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How to password protect individual pages or folders using .htaccess

At the moment, it is not possible to password protect individual pages or folders using Webflow. However, this has been a requested feature and we hope to include it as an option in the future. If you’d also like us to add this feature, please add your thoughts on this [thread][1]. In the meantime, it is possible to password protect individual pages using an .htaccess file after exporting. To do that, follow the instructions below: 1. **Create and upload .htpasswd file** Using a text editor, create a file named .htpasswd, add an [encrypted][2] username and password to it, and upload it to a [secure][3] directory on your server. >Example: admin:96WPTkzGTEPxw [Example .htpasswd file][4] 1. **Create and upload .htaccess file** Using a text editor, create a file named .htaccess, add the following code, and upload it to the directory that has the page you want to protect in it. > Example: > AuthUserFile /.htpasswd > AuthName "Name of Page" > AuthType Basic > > require valid-user > [Example .htaccess file][5] **IMPORTANT:** - HTAccess must be supported and enabled on your server - Passwords are case sensitive - Keep .htpasswd files in a secure directory [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]:

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