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Corroded Vault

Monsters and genre stuff. Usually kaiju-related trivia. Visit my Godzilland blog! And have a happy Year of Gamera! ——— -B Movies → Paul Blaisdell -Z Movies -Inspired Commercials -Bootlegs ——— -Kaiju → Obscure Kaiju → Gamera → Gamera in popular culture → The ‘Gamera 3D’ that almost was → The Mystery of “La Bicha” → Yonggary (1967 and 1999) → Godzilla → Godzilland (OVAs and stuff) → Watch Godzilland here! ——— -Alien Series -Promeheus -Aliens vs. Predator -Fire & Stone (event) -“The Journy of H. R. Giger’s Elongated Skull Head”, a mini-retrospective -“The Alien cycle that could have been”, a bit of speculation ——— -Dark Horse Comics
