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Upon the Grand Stage of All That Is and Isn't...

Come here and explore the mind, find what treasures lie inside - a flitting here, a flutter there, various shades of don’t-know-where - anything within your mind’s extent. Statues of conscience rest and ponder, giants of wonder search and wander; islands drift with wistful whimsy, once-strong walls now become flimsy, all to come and stage the great event. Watch clouds transform and rivers twist, lure mysteries from deep abyss; converse with cats on model ships, raise mountains from your fingertips; sip sunshine to dissolve your soul’s lament Sail across seas of silky white, become one among the stars so bright; be without worry in this realm for you’re the captain at the helm - the world is yours to fill your heart’s content. rm_f1st('0','220','true','false','000000','7c8406dzlbp','true','ffc000');

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