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Sami Dragonsong

My first name is Sami; the last name is a nod to my heritage and grandmother. (Will explain more if asked. Lol) My posts, as opposed to reblogs, are primarily for RP and fanfic, as I dearly enjoy engaging in both. I am frequently NSFW, and do not feel the need to apologize for this. DO NOT encourage smut with me if you are less than 18; I am a mother and do not wish to go to prison. 17 may be almost 18, but almost only counts in horse shoes, as my mother says. I do not RP as any of my otome loves at this point, as I’m still new to RP and am worried about messing them up. I drew my RP character to reflect who I am in my head. Page has been created for bio; it should be at DragonsRequiem.tumblr.com/bio
