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No-one of consequence.

Hello, my name is Brynne, and I am a 20-year-old, homoflexible transgirl. I’m a huge flirt, I’m obsessed with fashion, and I’m looking to start up my clothing label this year!I’m dating the very lovely Ayleen (Pretzlebutts).DO NOT REBLOG ANY OF MY POSTS TO PORN BLOGS WITHOUT MY EXPRESS PERMISSION! I sing and dance and take a lot of selfies.I’m into a LOT of different anime and manga. My faves are:-Blame!-Gantz-Fireball-FMA-Certain Scientific Railgun/Certain Magical Index-FLCL-Soul Eater-SNK-Nichijou-Read Or Die. In addition, I’m a huge fan of-Steam Powered Giraffe-Team Fortress 2-Portal-Left 4 Dead-Pacific Rim-Homestuck-Welcome To Night Vale-Doctor Who-and I have an obsession with all things pertaining to Nerf guns.

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