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I Have No Response to That...

@thatdanstevens @haslemere1  I love a character who is stridently confident yet easily confused. (my favorite tweet…) “Sometimes you can know too much. Of all people I know this to be true. Ignorance is bliss. Knowledge is power. Which would you prefer. Stef Penney The Invisible Ones "What would Henry James have made of us, I wonder?” She went on. …“Well” Nick chewed it over..“He’d have been very kind to us, he’d have said how wonderful we were and how beautiful we were, he’d have given us incredibly subtle things to say, and we wouldn’t have realized until just before the end that he’d seen right through us.” The Line of Beauty, Alan Hollinghurst “They did not talk about the larger present, so circumscribed, so uncontrollable. Their little present was two bodies and a bed, and that was the entirety of time and place: them, there, in their little room, awkward, laughing, happy, warm, tentative, surrendering, overwhelmed, alarmed, astounded, shivering, subsiding, asleep, awake, getting the hang of it, learning, loving, redeemed. Happy.” ― Louisa Young, My Dear I Wanted to Tell You Hello. This is my blog. Here you will find lots of history, books, art, and archaeology. The Great War centenary will play a large role in this blog. Also lover of lost ships: Mary and Matthew from Downton Abbey and Will and Alicia from The Good Wife. That’s all you need to know about my OTPs… I adore Dan Stevens and will create, edit, and reblog (all the good) stuff about him. He’s a fantastic talent. I wish him nothing but success. I also love Richard Armitage –ever since watching North & South through now The Crucible his career will skyrocket. I also love Michael Fassbender (who doesn’t???) and James McAvoy and the X Men in general! One could also add Colin Firth, Clive Owen, Ralph Fiennes, and many other UK men as well… :) I love Broadway. Especially Raul Esparza who needs to leave that hit TV show and get back the Great White Way…:)   I adore Juliana Marguiles and The Good Wife. It’s the best show certainly on network TV. I love movies of all kinds but mostly old movies. Please look around! :)

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@thatdanstevens @haslemere1  I love a character who is stridently confident yet easily confused. (my favorite tweet…) “Sometimes you can know too much. Of all people I know this to be true. Ignorance is bliss. Knowledge is power. Which would you prefer. Stef Penney The Invisible Ones "What would Henry James have made of us, I wonder?” She went on. …“Well” Nick chewed it over..“He’d have been very kind to us, he’d have said how wonderful we were and how beautiful we were, he’d have given us incredibly subtle things to say, and we wouldn’t have realized until just before the end that he’d seen right through us.” The Line of Beauty, Alan Hollinghurst “They did not talk about the larger present, so circumscribed, so uncontrollable. Their little present was two bodies and a bed, and that was the entirety of time and place: them, there, in their little room, awkward, laughing, happy, warm, tentative, surrendering, overwhelmed, alarmed, astounded, shivering, subsiding, asleep, awake, getting the hang of it, learning, loving, redeemed. Happy.” ― Louisa Young, My Dear I Wanted to Tell You Hello. This is my blog. Here you will find lots of history, books, art, and archaeology. The Great War centenary will play a large role in this blog. Also lover of lost ships: Mary and Matthew from Downton Abbey and Will and Alicia from The Good Wife. That’s all you need to know about my OTPs… I adore Dan Stevens and will create, edit, and reblog (all the good) stuff about him. He’s a fantastic talent. I wish him nothing but success. I also love Richard Armitage –ever since watching North & South through now The Crucible his career will skyrocket. I also love Michael Fassbender (who doesn’t???) and James McAvoy and the X Men in general! One could also add Colin Firth, Clive Owen, Ralph Fiennes, and many other UK men as well… :) I love Broadway. Especially Raul Esparza who needs to leave that hit TV show and get back the Great White Way…:)   I adore Juliana Marguiles and The Good Wife. It’s the best show certainly on network TV. I love movies of all kinds but mostly old movies. Please look around! :)
