Indiana Jones, the iconic archaeologist and adventurer, has captured the hearts and imaginations of audiences worldwide. The Indiana Jones franchise, created by Lucasfilm, has become a pop cultur...
Following on from their successful remake of Destroy All Humans! (2020), developers Black Forest Games have lovingly rebuilt Destroy All Humans! 2 from the ground up in Unreal Engine 4, and let's...
Dead Air is an independent horror comedy film directed and produced by Geoff Harmer (Selfie, Addict) and written and produced by Peter Hearn (Scrawl) with original score by Dan Hall and music by ...
Joining Marina Sirtis (Star Trek: The Next Generation) as she makes her West End debut are theatre titans Jacqueline King (Doctor Who, BBC; Spring Storm, National Theatre) and Simon Thorp (Hard S...
Due to overwhelming demand, fans will get a special look into Star Trek: Deep Space Nine as the new documentary - "What We Left Behind: Looking Back at Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" - arrives in se...
Cookham-based actor, playwright and author Richard James has spent the last three and a half years touring the UK in stage productions based on the popular children's books of David Walliams, a j...
Twentieth Century Fox have released the new trailer for Terminator: Dark Fate and it's great news for those who loved the franchise's first two films. Linda Hamilton ("Sarah Connor") and Arnold S...
HobbyLink, an internet retail business specializing in sales of hobby products and collectibles to customers worldwide has announced the exclusive US distribution rights for a limited-edition 1/1...
When Jodie Whittaker returns to Doctor Who next series, the Thirteenth Doctor and her friends won't be the only familiar faces. The show, currently filming, is set to welcome back The Judoon as o...
Doctor Who fans will soon be able to step inside a virtual reality version of the TARDIS in an upcoming immersive VR adventure called Doctor Who: The Runaway. The new original story set in the TA...