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Challenges and Strategies in Expanding Non-Traditional Preg...ed Services: Findings from a Survey of State Medicaid Programs

Challenges and Strategies in Expanding Non-Traditional
Preg...ed Services: Findings from a Survey of State Medicaid

A growing number of states have added Medicaid coverage of non-traditional pregnancy-related care and services in recent years, such as doula services, lactation services, and home visiting progr...


One in Five Women of Reproductive Age in States with Aborti...They Know Has Had Difficulty Accessing an Abortion Since Dobbs

One in Five Women of Reproductive Age in States with Aborti...They Know Has Had Difficulty Accessing an Abortion
Since Dobbs

According to new KFF polling, in states with abortion bans, one in five (21%) women of reproductive age (18 to 49) and one in seven (14%) of all women say either they or someone they know has had...
