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ALWAYS and completely forgiven...

Linda - 25 TV shows: Smallville, Castle, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Forever, Elementary, Sleepy Hollow, The Big Bang Theory, Heroes, Melissa & Joey, Grey’s Anatomy, Firefly, Will & Grace, Quantum Leap, Bewitched, Three’s Company, Mork and Mindy, Get Smart… and many MANY more Ships: Clark Kent + Lois Lane = Clois Castle + Beckett = Caskett Doctor + River Song = DoctorxRiver Amy Pond + Rory Williams = AmyxRory Sherlock + Molly = Sherlolly Sheldon Cooper + Penny = Shenny Henry Morgan + Jo Martinez = Mortinez Quite a few more on many of my other tv shows :) The FF is the link to my fanfiction profile On Tumblr Since April 26, 2012

Feed: Related:


Linda - 25 TV shows: Smallville, Castle, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Forever, Elementary, Sleepy Hollow, The Big Bang Theory, Heroes, Melissa & Joey, Grey’s Anatomy, Firefly, Will & Grace, Quantum Leap, Bewitched, Three’s Company, Mork and Mindy, Get Smart… and many MANY more Ships: Clark Kent + Lois Lane = Clois Castle + Beckett = Caskett Doctor + River Song = DoctorxRiver Amy Pond + Rory Williams = AmyxRory Sherlock + Molly = Sherlolly Sheldon Cooper + Penny = Shenny Henry Morgan + Jo Martinez = Mortinez Quite a few more on many of my other tv shows :) The FF is the link to my fanfiction profile On Tumblr Since April 26, 2012
