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Liberté Egalité Homosexualité!

”La France devenue italienne” Hi! My name’s Adriana. My blog consists of: Queer History, Antoine Saint-Just, the French Revolution, & general same-sex sexuality. Check my FAQ, tags, & the navigation bar above for more. Historical Figures: Saint-Just, Robespierre, Chevalière d'Éon, Madmoiselle Raucourt, Jacques-Louis David, & Anne-Louis Girodet.Historical Links: Queer history, French Revolution, 18th century, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, homosociality, friendship, sodomy, & lovely ladies. Useful Links: History quotes I’ve posted, personal posts, my face, asks, my photoshops, & my gifs. Note: I don’t support the terms ‘bihet’, 'monosexual privilege’, or 'sexual privilege’– you will not see them here. var ref = (''+document.referrer+''); var w_h = window.screen.width + " x " + window.screen.height; document.write('');
