"impressive" - Billboard Seattle, WA (August 19, 2024) — Seattle’s Jaws of Brooklyn, is set to release their new single, "Litebringer," on September 19, 2024. Known for their electrifying fus...
“A duet sung by Hillary Grace Fretland and Luke Francis, the song fills the airwaves with lyrics of longing that speak to a deeper, sought-after human connection and understanding … A touchin...
ANN ARBOR, MI — (November 29, 2023) - Alt-country artist Darrin James is set to release his latest album, "See Right Through," on January 26. This compelling collection delves into the complexi...
“Their sound is one of the most captivating and threateningly original in the business today, and few could deny that it would be thrilling to see how their calculated music translates in a liv...
FOR RELEASE SEPT 14, 2023 Warren Teagarden and The Good Grief Set to Release Captivating Single "LA on My Own" on September 14** San Francisco, CA (August 21, 2023) – Warren Teagarden and The G...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Warren Teagarden and The Good Grief Unveil Their Transformative Album "Winter Tan” on October 20 San Francisco, CA (August 21, 2023) – After over a decade of captivating...
“exquisite, lush . . . audacious aesthetic” - Stereogum FOR RELEASE AUGUST 8, 2023 BOSTON (July 17, 2023) - On August 8, Singer Mali is set to release her single, "My Nature," a thought-provo...
NEW YORK CITY (June 5, 2023) - Brewflies release their cover of Iris DeMent's "My Life” on June 20. The song is the concluding track of the band’s album “Rain Down Mercy,” due out August ...
NEW YORK CITY (June 1, 2023) - Brewflies release “Rain Down Mercy” on August 11. The album documents their Covid-19 experience through interpretations of noteworthy songs representing the per...
AMSTERDAM (June 12, 2023) - On October 6, P.J.M. Bond will release his debut album: “In Our Time,” inspired by Ernest Hemingway’s eponymous short-story collection published in 1925. Each of...