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making a merry jest of the transience and brevity of this mortal lifeflavorssomething we all need to ask ourselves from time to time + we radiate+ war: mortality vs. cost+ doctors & gods: an eternal rant+ the all american hero is a crock of shit : PTSD, the suicide of Ajax, mortality in warfare+ Oi Oi Oi - punk! tons of stuffReasons Not To Smoke Cigarettes:#2 #4 #5 #15 #16 #37 #49 #59: . . . . . . . love . . . . . . life. . . . yes . . religion . . . . . . . . . . . wisdom . . . . sadness. . . pulse . . home . . peace . . . . . deatha message to my husband……………………………………………my libraryhref> …………………………………………….so far in life…………………………………………….how i want to be remembered
