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Welcome to Our Distorted Show

________________________________Hello boys and girls, ladies and gents, people all across the globe, I do hope you’ve enjoyed things this far! I am Phantom, the ring leader, otherwise known as the administrator in this display!We’ve set up quite a few spectacular events for this evening!Oh? You’re curious now about what they are now, aren’t you?Below you is a pamphlet of our showings for you to look at. After all, we’re here for your entertainment!______________________________Magic!Anon Status: AcceptingDanil–> NoneJason–> NoneJohana–> NoneLee-Mary–> NoneShoni–> NoneTamako–> None ______________________________Links for those who are on mobile:FAQ–> /blog-faqMuse Page–> /meet-the-crewHeadcanons–> /head canonsTags–> /tracking_____________________________Status:Online: Distracted/Lurking: Homework: Main: XSchool (College): Drawing/Work: Offline: ______________________________Inbox Status:OOC Asks: XRps: Asks: All the Above: Closed: _______________________________
