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Ellga in Wonderland

I’m living in Paris after Provence/New York/Italy. I always enjoy to travel and discuss with people from other lands. Feel free to contact me with “submit” or “ask question” I like poetry, art, photography, the elegance of 40-60’s, old movies, so much different music like opera, folk, jazz and soul (Motown rocks!), aphorisms and somes thoughts of great books or artists This is my world, my inspirations, what I collect around me on internet and anywhere My old blogs (click on name): Mon blog precedent : Garde ça pour toiMon blog-atelier d'écriture : La Preference (my own poetry blog. In french only)

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July Goals

lunacyfringes : > I made a list of goals I want to stick to during the month of July > to help keep myself accountable.  >  > Drink a minimum of 1 litre of water�...
