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Kait Payne.

This is a blog about me drinking tea, doting on my daughter, and whining. “What I’m trying to say is, I’m not so neurotic about being “fixed” or healed. “ “Heal” is really a television word. It makes the audience applaud. But there are some things from which you never heal. Some damage is too severe, some harm endures. And what you have to do is accept it. And by accept it I mean, don’t be the paralyzed person in the bed who is waiting to walk again. Realize, it’s never gonna fucking happen. And find some other way to get around –swing from a vine, get a Mad Max wheelchair. Anything but…wait.” — Augusten Burroughs My name is Kait and I’m 26. I grew a human once. I shoot with a Canon Rebel T1i. I like feedback: kaitmpayne@gmail.com rss feed random mobile archive
