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lovemecoach01's Journals on Buzznet

If you love to be inspired through a message, singing, and nice face time come visit my youtube channel or wordpress blog at the following address below: ** http://youtube.com/lovemecoach01** Personal Blog **http://leanonmilton.wordpress.com** "All About Me" What's behind the name Love Me Coach? Living through tests and trials of coming to terms with myself, I have much to give to the community. Stepping into the boxing ring and winning the good fight I am now here to help others get past issues of self-doubt, and soul progression. I am a Coach and spiritual Mentor with a BBA in Business Administration. I give people a deeper connection to themselves by creating a powerful self image, enhance of confidence, skills strengths, and motivation to eliminating life challenges. I love to sing and entertain people as well because people can be uplifted. These features that are offered are based on practice which includes helping others to gain patience, trust, support and commitment. Just ask the coach? Milton Jackson is "Love Me Coach" He helps men and women to land a life of their dreams during and after their turning points such as Identity Crisis, Tolerance, Acceptance, and Identity Pride. I am a Coach and will teach you how to give expression to your personality by moving forward with your lifestyle of choice and living the life you have forever dreamed of. "No one deserves to live as a hermit outside of society." How can I help you reach success and enrich your life? For Years I was living my life for others, and was overly concerned about what people's opinion is of me and choice of lifestyle. I experienced 13 years of struggles within myself I overturned those negatives brain habits and created balance from the long term difficulties of family disapprovals, career setbacks, self esteem and abusive personal relationships. Later in life a passion grew inside of me and the desire to help others make forward steps in life challenges is my calling. Meeting up with the challenges to a better life was for my own good. I found out who God is and what He means to me. Conquering setbacks was part of the challenges and now I can assist if you look to succeed from defeat. Through Self Evaluation and development I can give you tools to get you the place you have dreamed. What's in it for me? With the desire to develop stronger relationships and to help others face daily fears with a one on one connection to help people express their individuality and defining the qualities of their uniqueness in positive form. "Everything created is not meant to be a mistake. " God will never put a dream in your heart without first equipping you. Live up to the challenge lets define the possibilities of your future. ********Youtube************ Click: https://youtube.com/lovemecoac h01 *******Follow me on Twitter****** http://twitter.com/lovemecoach 01 *******Myspace************ http://myspace.com/miltonorleans *******Facebook********** http://facebook.com/lovemecoac h.jackson
