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Tropical Workout

Hi, I live in Europe and I’m 20. 5'4’’ with highest weight at 160lbs. I’ve started my weight loss journey when i was around 15. For 4 years I was starving or overeating or trying to eat healthy. One at the time. Instant rollercoaster. 2012 winter I got worse and was eating 1000kcal and less and less. I started purging and had fallen into self-harming. I recovered, now I feel better than ever. I was diagnosed with Coeliac Disease in early 2015. I’ve been eating clean since, avoiding processed foods. I am part of my lovely uni women’s rugby club. My current goal is to gain more muscle mass and gain strength for the new season. I am following Christian Guzman on yt, he’s my biggest inspiration at the moment. - BM
