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Artists - Nicole Dibusi

Here's a short article written by a journalist at one of my exhibition: Dibus Nicole has a secret: an extraordinary machine that allows him to create beautiful paintings that are both drawing, painting and fashion without being either one or the other! A tool that resembles an ordinary sewing machine but, surprisingly, she does not sew, do not stick, does not sting, she co… Under the astonished gaze of visitors, flowers, leaves, moss even take shape as if by magic. Landscapes occur as a soft velvety carpet in which the visitor suddenly want to jump as «Alice in Wonderland. » Dibus Nicole is a designer born. Always on the lookout for novelty, it leaves nothing happen, everything can be reused and transformed under his nimble fingers. A good way to sing it to the colors in his paintings where nature reigns supreme. Is really superb! C. Ld independent 2008.



En este lienzo de 60x40 cm, las fresias se reimaginan como una explosión de color y energía. Las pinceladas vibrantes y las formas abstractas crean un movimiento dinámico que captura la esenc...



Una imagen vale más que mil palabras y una pintura convertida en obra de arte no tiene precio, esta obra está pintada en pintura acrilica, siendo su soporte papel, creo que hay poco que explic...
