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We'll Bang, Okay?

Hi. I’m Beth. I’m fifteen, British, and I use she/her/they/them pronouns and I am full certified Marvel (and DC, now!) and video game trash (Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Skyrim, Steven Universe even though it’s not a video game it’s been listed here for months and I only noticed it now hurr durr etc.).Spoilers maybe. Possibly. You have been warned.My video game blog: thechampionandtheinquisitorMy blog dedicated entirely to Varric’s chest hair:fuck-yeah-varrics-chest-hair(Yeah, you read that correctly)(Game stuff will still be here, but thisis my personal blog) I’ll shut up now, promise.Will tag anything, just ask!

Feed: Related:


Hi. I’m Beth. I’m fifteen, British, and I use she/her/they/them pronouns and I am full certified Marvel (and DC, now!) and video game trash (Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Skyrim, Steven Universe even though it’s not a video game it’s been listed here for months and I only noticed it now hurr durr etc.).Spoilers maybe. Possibly. You have been warned.My video game blog: thechampionandtheinquisitorMy blog dedicated entirely to Varric’s chest hair:fuck-yeah-varrics-chest-hair(Yeah, you read that correctly)(Game stuff will still be here, but thisis my personal blog) I’ll shut up now, promise.Will tag anything, just ask!
