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Moodle.net [http://moodle.net/mod/page/view.php?id=1] (formerly known as MOOCH) connects you with free content and courses shared by Moodle users all over the world.  It contains:  courses you can download and use [http://moodle.net/?downloadable=1&submitbutton=Search+for+courses] courses you can enrol in and participate [http://moodle.net/?downloadable=0&submitbutton=Search+for+courses] other content (such as quizzes, database and glossary entries) you can import into your own courses [http://moodle.net/mod/data/view.php?id=3] Why not follow the course approval criteria [http://moodle.net/mod/page/view.php?id=2] and share your own courses?  Here are instructions for adding a downloaded course to your own Moodle. [http://docs.moodle.org/en/Course_restore] Follow @moodlenet for updates [http://twitter.com/moodlenet] 
