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f/k/a LittleTownFlirt

A melange of content and fandom posts that change with the seasons. Crossovers, AUs, and aesthetic photo-sets. Dean/Castiel, Winter Soldier, and the Leverage OT3. Competence kink is my jam. Fake-fed tropes and Dean Winchester crossovers are my butter and peanut butter, respectively. Occasional Sebastian Stan thirst. There’s reference material, animals, flowers, and text posts in with the MCU, Leverage, GOT, Archer, and SPN. Demon!Dean, Team Purgatory, any mix of Sam/Meg/Ruby, ladies of SPN.   Sansa Stark, Britta Perry, Martha Jones positivity. (Posting is sporadic but love is always here.) Jeff & Britta, Sansa & Margaery & GOT multi-shipping, Martha & Jack appreciation.  [Scattered Doctor Who, Buffyverse, WWE & Total Divas, Orphan Black, Sleepy Hollow, Elementary, Bob’s Burgers, Banshee, OITNB, Misfits, AHS, etc.] I’m an adult. I work. Sometimes I study. I rarely talk irl things. Used to be an ‘oaks blog. I rarely talk about that either
