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Evil Never DIEts

Hello Boils and Ghouls! And welcome to my corner of the internet for all things related to eating healthy, exercise, fitness, weight loss, and all the mental struggles that go along with it. You might be asking yourself “What the hell makes you so damned qualified to give me advice?” Well… This was me at my heaviest. I weighed around 260lbs. I had developed joint problems and thought I would have to give up the sport I loved more than most things in the world. So I knew I had to make a change. This is me from a few months ago doing something I never thought I would ever do, jam consistently in a game. I have lost over 90lbs so far and am still on my journey. But I hope what I have to say can inspire and motivate you on your own journey to mental and physical happiness. In case you missed it check out the blog post about my journey, my very first blog post HERE. I hope to post blogs about the pros and cons of losing weight, the mental changes you go through, and the way it changes your life as well as advice, recipes, and always a healthy dose of body positivity! This is in no way a fat shaming blog, so if that’s what you’re about please turn the fuck around. It’s about finding yourself, becoming healthy in your mind and body, and learning how to love yourself and make the changes in your life you need to make for yourself! I am not a dietician, I am not a physical trainer, I am not a nutritionist. The opinions presented here are my own from my own research and what has and hasn’t worked for me. It might be different for you! Please keep that in mind! Find me on facebook! And my website! And don’t forget my personal tumblr! Instagram and Twitter: @MissRazorDe
