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Daily flash slideshow. Every day, a flash slideshow is given. Topic: People - Celebrities. Daily Music, Image and 3D Flash Animation. Every day, a new piece of music (classical music with drum and cymbal) and a new image (photo or clipart) with a background texture are given. One can generate a PDF greetings card with a personalized text with the image of the day. Every day, a new image with a 3D flash animation (SWF File) is given.


3D Model Flash Animation of the Day (09/09/2024): 3D Primitives - Photo Big Big Green Leaves - Plant

Every day, some well-known 3D primitives with a flash animation (SWF format) are given. The background texture and the primitives texture are variable. Follow the item link to download the file...


Music of the Day (09/09/2024): Op 47 No 5 - Albeniz - With Drum

Every day, a new classical piece of music with drum is given in MIDI and MP3 formats. Follow the item link to download the files. Hundreds of classical MIDI files, with or without drum, are to ...
