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Braving IVF

My husband and I started trying to have a baby in July 2007. After tests and IUIs in 2009, we started IVF in March 2010. We ended up doing 5 rounds of IVF with our own eggs, miscarrying twice due to chromosomal abnormalities, and then moved to donor eggs. Our son was born December 18, 2012. After two unexplained miscarriages trying for a sibling, we've found a surrogate...



The ultrasound yesterday was not good. The tsunami of clots on Sunday apparently swept away the gestational sac as well. The hematoma is gone, but there's no visible sac and no visible heartbeat....



And our FET worked! I'm pregnant! I tested on Monday morning, the day before the 10dp6dt beta, with a digital test, and got a positive. The first beta came back at 78, which was half what my so...
