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eyes that see into infinity

26-year-old redhead, leftist, feminist sociologist, nerd in many ways. Bernie 2016. Married to a proud feminist ally dude (like I’d have it any other way.) Mother to a 1-year-old son born June 2014. Vehemently pro-choice. Pro-breastfeeding intactivist and peaceful parent. Gemini/Cancer cusp sun, Capricorn moon, Scorpio ascendant. ENFP. Canadian and American citizen. Recovering Catholic. Celtic heritage. New Age spiritual type. Reiki practitioner, tarot card reader. Writer. More about me. Click for a random post. I post New Agey/spiritual things, gorgeous people, gorgeous places, food porn, funny stuff, art, and a small amount of some fandoms. (ASOIAF, Doctor Who, LOTR, Marvel, Spartacus, Trailer Park Boys.) This is not really a fandom blog for the most part.I am nostalgic for places and times I have never been.
