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SURROUNDED BY ARMED BASTARDS I want Philip Glenister on my cracker, John Simm on my ice cream, David Tennant on my pasta, and Dylan Moran on my cake. I’m a Life On Mars addict and a Whovian. Sci-fi is my religion. Douglas Adams is my savior. “Remember always to be yourself. Unless you suck.” -Joss Whedon Other shows/series/films I love: Star Trek tos, Monty Python stuff, Mad Dogs, Black Books, Avengers, Firefly & Serenity, Buffy, Spongebob, Modern Family, Parks and Rec, BBC Sherlock, Hannibal, Breaking Bad, Fargo (TV) and more.. Me and my fellow LoM fans want those lost years of Sam and Gene BACK. Now watching & loving: Person of Interest, Daredevil, Better Call Saul Cracker lives and works in Milan, Italy. Twitter: coldsaint87
