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“TYPE TRIP-The New Asian Graphic Design Exhibition” attempts to explore the relationship between graphic design and typography from eight different Asian cities. Initiated by Japanese design journal typographics ti: in 2011, “TYPE TRIP” began at ddd gallery in Osaka. Not only travelling in Asia, but this project initiated meetings with different talented graphic designers and studios via face-to-face interviews, in the attempt to diverse typographic matters and identity related to their own cities and graphic language. These cities included SEOUL, HONG KONG, SINGAPORE, TAIPEI, SHENZHEN, BANGKOK and BEIJING. Presented by K11 and in cooperation with DNP Foundation for Cultural Promotion (Japan), co-curated by Hong Kong based independent graphic design studio Milkxhake and Japan design unit OOO Projects (Osaka), “TYPE TRIP - The New Asian Graphic Design Exhibition” features typographics ti: and seven graphic designers’ works, aims to build a new cultural platform for contemporary Asian graphic designers to exchange ideas and creativity among eight different cities, and to discover “TYPE TRIP” in a fresh perspective. 《字旅-亞洲新銳平面設計展》嘗試以旅行的方式走訪亞洲八個城市,探索平面設計與字體設計的關係。2011年,由日本設計刊物《typographics ti:》主導策劃,《字旅》從大阪ddd gallery出發,走訪首爾、香港、新加坡、台北、深圳、曼谷及北京;探討亞洲設計師在字體、文化和視覺語言等主題上的不同觀點與想法。 由K11主辦、日本DNP文化振興財團支持、香港平面設計工作室Milkxhake與日本設計單位OOO Projects聯合策展,《字旅-亞洲新銳平面設計展》展出《typographics ti:》及七位來自八個亞洲城市的平面設計師作品,旨在建立一個跨地區的當代設計創意交流平台,從新鮮視點再探索「字旅」的意義。 聯合策展人: Co-curators: 毛灼然 (香港) Javin MO (Hong Kong) 後藤哲也 (大阪) Tetsuya GOTO (Osaka) 參展設計師/單位: Participating Designers/Units: typographics ti: (Japan Typography Association) (大阪 OSAKA) Sulki & Min (首爾 SEOUL) Javin MO 毛灼然 (香港 HONG KONG) Chris LEE (新加坡 SINGAPORE) HEI Yiyang 黑一烊 (深圳 SHENZHEN) Aaron NIEH 聶永真 (台北 TAIPEI) Santi LAWRACHAWEE (曼谷 BANGKOK) Xiao Mage & Chengzi 小馬哥+橙子(北京 BEIJING) 展覽日期: Exhibition Period: 2014.01.11 (Sat) – 2014.03.09 (Sun) 12:00nn to 10pm (everyday) K11 art space (B207) 香港尖沙咀河內道18號K11購物藝術館 K11 Art Mall, 18 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong 開幕酒會: Opening Reception: 2014.01.11 (Sat) 2:00 pm K11 art space (B207) 展覽開幕: Exhibition Opening: 2014.01.11 (Sat) 2:30 pm K11 art space (B207) 講者: Speakers: Tetsuya GOTO 後藤哲也 (typographicsti: 總編輯) Yuma Harada 原田祐馬 (typographicsti: 美術總監) Santi LAWRACHAWEE Sulki & Min Xiao Mage & Chengzi 小馬哥+橙子 Aaron NIEH 聶永真 - 週末講座: Weekend Talk: 2014.01.18 (Sat) 2:30pm – 5:30pm K11 art space (B207) 講者: Speakers: Keith TAM 譚智恆 (PolyU Design/香港理工大學設計學院) Julius HUI 許瀚文 (Type Designer/字體設計師) HEI Yiyang 黑一烊 CHOI Kim Hung 蔡劍虹 (Graphic Designer/平面設計師) - 週末工作坊-《字與紙》 Weekend Workshop – “TYPE × PAPER” 2014.2.8 (Sat) 2:30pm – 4:30pm K11 art space (B207) 參與設計師: Participating Designer: Jim WONG 黃嘉遜 (Goodmorning) (Graphic Designer/平面設計師)
