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Media omission: In August, Gardner campaign said it backed ...nhood proposals to ban abortion, not as statement of principle

UPDATE Oct. 13, 2014: In response to a follow-up question yesterday, Robertson emailed me that the Gardner campaign did not seek a correction or clarification of an August Factcheck.org story, ev...


Eight reasons why a Denver Post reporter’s blog post, del...sworthy and should be re-posted on The Denver Post’s website

CORRECTION: This post describes the piece scrubbed by The Post as a “blog post.” It was actually  an article planned for the print edition. —————— Here are eight reasons why ...


Would a more tightly-worded personhood amendment be ok with...ther questions left hanging after Coffman’s personhood shift

Media outlets are reporting that Rep. Mike Coffman has joined  Rep. Cory Gardner in withdrawing his support of the personhood amendment, which would ban all abortion, but, strangely, reporter...
