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Rakueru Furanshisu: Virgo Beneath the Moon

I am a busy 22 year old college student, trying to figure things out. This is my space. The space of a dynamic anime loving, cosplay obsessed, bubbly young Wiccan. A space where I let loose and share my thoughts on any and everything. Also home to my various works, my space will not be disrespected. I will not tolerate smart ass comments. You don’t like it leave. Thank you and enjoy the world of Selenia Moon ^_^

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I am a busy 22 year old college student, trying to figure things out. This is my space. The space of a dynamic anime loving, cosplay obsessed, bubbly young Wiccan. A space where I let loose and share my thoughts on any and everything. Also home to my various works, my space will not be disrespected. I will not tolerate smart ass comments. You don’t like it leave. Thank you and enjoy the world of Selenia Moon ^_^



I am a busy 22 year old college student, trying to figure things out. This is my space. The space of a dynamic anime loving, cosplay obsessed, bubbly young Wiccan. A space where I let loose and share my thoughts on any and everything. Also home to my various works, my space will not be disrespected. I will not tolerate smart ass comments. You don’t like it leave. Thank you and enjoy the world of Selenia Moon ^_^
