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Human Futures - by Gerd Leonhard

Futurist and speaker Gerd Leonhard presents the best findings on what it will mean to be (and remain) HUMAN in the next 10 years. Topics covered include bionics, artifical intelligence, augmented reality, singularity, robotics and more. Thanks for stopping by! Gerd Leonhard, Keynote Speaker, Futurist, Author & Blogger, Strategist, Idea Curator, Occasional Heretic, CEO of The Futures Agency, Founder of Green Futurists, Visiting Professor at Fundacao Dom Cabral (Brazil). Based in Basel, Switzerland. Twitter: @gleonhard Loading google.load('search', '1', {language : 'en'}); google.setOnLoadCallback(function() { var customSearchOptions = {}; var orderByOptions = {}; orderByOptions['keys'] = [{label: 'Relevance', key: ''},{label: 'Date', key: 'date'}]; customSearchOptions['enableOrderBy'] = true; customSearchOptions['orderByOptions'] = orderByOptions; var imageSearchOptions = {}; imageSearchOptions['layout'] = google.search.ImageSearch.LAYOUT_CLASSIC; customSearchOptions['enableImageSearch'] = true; customSearchOptions['imageSearchOptions'] = imageSearchOptions; var customSearchControl = new google.search.CustomSearchControl( '007076837144016709598:5qirwzhijfc', customSearchOptions); customSearchControl.setResultSetSize(google.search.Search.FILTERED_CSE_RESULTSET); var options = new google.search.DrawOptions(); options.enableSearchboxOnly("http://www.google.com/cse?cx=007076837144016709598:5qirwzhijfc", null, true); customSearchControl.draw('cse-search-form', options); }, true); Gerd Leonhard about.me/mediafuturist futureof.biz mediafuturist.com
