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* Nova's Arcania *

Wherein Nova hops down the rabbit hole for fun, inspiration, plot bunnies & prompts to share!Hi :3 I like The Flash, Supernatural, Marvel, & various other TV shows and films, such as: Game of Thrones, Hannibal, Teen Wolf, Arrow, Doctor Who, Castle, Mentalist, House & Pushing Daisies.I love fairytales & fables, so: Good Omens, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Dragon Age, The Wolf Among Us, Welcome to Night Vale, Disney & DreamWorks, too.You can also expect: cute animals, nature/hipster pretty stuff, some calligraphy and food posts, as well as ships (gay, straight, platonic and whatever else I feel like posting), bromances & girl!crushes. There’ll also be personal posts occasionally, and some randomness :)Cheers!

Feed: Related:


Wherein Nova hops down the rabbit hole for fun, inspiration, plot bunnies & prompts to share!Hi :3 I like The Flash, Supernatural, Marvel, & various other TV shows and films, such as: Game of Thrones, Hannibal, Teen Wolf, Arrow, Doctor Who, Castle, Mentalist, House & Pushing Daisies.I love fairytales & fables, so: Good Omens, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Dragon Age, The Wolf Among Us, Welcome to Night Vale, Disney & DreamWorks, too.You can also expect: cute animals, nature/hipster pretty stuff, some calligraphy and food posts, as well as ships (gay, straight, platonic and whatever else I feel like posting), bromances & girl!crushes. There’ll also be personal posts occasionally, and some randomness :)Cheers!
