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Arielle: I am what one would call a Guardian, a waning race of “angelic” creatures, I am the protector of all things supernatural and otherwise. My appearance is in my icon, I have wings as well but I choose to camouflage them normally. I have special abilities that help me protect others. Alex: My Guardian’s True Self tends to come out when I’m angry but it can also be controlled by me. My appearance changes drastically when my True Self comes out to play; to put it lightly you don’t want to mess with this chick when her eyes start to glow. My eyes are sort of what give me away, when my other half gains control they glow blue. Face Claims: Amy Lee and Emilie Autumn (She’s my other half, my True Self who goes by the name of Arielle; pronounced like Are-ee-elle.)Open RP blog.[OOC: I’m tracking guardian-alexswinchester, AlexSWinchester, and AlexWinchester so if you RP with me put those in the tags.]



Arielle: I am what one would call a Guardian, a waning race of “angelic” creatures, I am the protector of all things supernatural and otherwise. My appearance is in my icon, I have wings as well but I choose to camouflage them normally. I have special abilities that help me protect others. Alex: My Guardian’s True Self tends to come out when I’m angry but it can also be controlled by me. My appearance changes drastically when my True Self comes out to play; to put it lightly you don’t want to mess with this chick when her eyes start to glow. My eyes are sort of what give me away, when my other half gains control they glow blue. Face Claims: Amy Lee and Emilie Autumn (She’s my other half, my True Self who goes by the name of Arielle; pronounced like Are-ee-elle.)Open RP blog.[OOC: I’m tracking guardian-alexswinchester, AlexSWinchester, and AlexWinchester so if you RP with me put those in the tags.]



Arielle: I am what one would call a Guardian, a waning race of “angelic” creatures, I am the protector of all things supernatural and otherwise. My appearance is in my icon, I have wings as well but I choose to camouflage them normally. I have special abilities that help me protect others. Alex: My Guardian’s True Self tends to come out when I’m angry but it can also be controlled by me. My appearance changes drastically when my True Self comes out to play; to put it lightly you don’t want to mess with this chick when her eyes start to glow. My eyes are sort of what give me away, when my other half gains control they glow blue. Face Claims: Amy Lee and Emilie Autumn (She’s my other half, my True Self who goes by the name of Arielle; pronounced like Are-ee-elle.)Open RP blog.[OOC: I’m tracking guardian-alexswinchester, AlexSWinchester, and AlexWinchester so if you RP with me put those in the tags.]
