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I Don't Even Know.

Submit things..? Ask things..? – Commission Information Plushie Commission InformationSociety6EtsydeviantArt Art Blog art tag non-fandom art tag – Okay, a little about me. I am Acro - 24-year old genderqueer female-pronoun-thing, sex-repulsed aro-ace, artist / amateur scientist [specifically regarding biology / zoology], and violin mantis person. Has a bachelor’s in anthropology and no idea what to do next. I also like to represent myself with something that is essentially an anthropomorphic, okapi-themed lamp, for no reason other than it’s fun. Important People! Soul Sister Science Bro Birdfriend TAGS! art - tag used for when I post art I’ve done feel free to ignore / shut up acro - tags used in the instance of personal posts / when I ramble on about something in a way that kinda drags along; the first tag is more for personal posts than the second not lamp acro - tag used in the instance of when my actual face appears in a photo somewhere not my art - I reblog my friends’ art for the purpose of spreading it around for commission boosting, and this is the tag I use for that. things that I post about I like invertebrates, natural oddities, surreal / fantasy-type art, robots, guys without faces / with partly obscured faces, and things that have a somewhat old-fashioned vibe to them, among other things, so expect to see a bit of that around. Fandoms I post about / reblog regularly include mostly Steven Universe, Transformers [mostly MTMTE and Prime but other misc. continuities as well], sometimes including Megaman and Shane Acker’s 9.There are also sprinklings of other things as well that have to do with animation, sci-fi, well-done fantasy, and so on - such as Pixar, Studio Ghibli, etc. I also reblog things about feminism and gender / sexual identities and other debate-sparking topics, so if that kind of thing annoys you then here’s your warning before you hit the “follow” button. [ Ask-blog for my Minecraft characters over here! currently inactive ] [ © All copyrighted materials posted on this personal blog are for the sole purposes of documenting and illustrating my interests. All rights are reserved and respected to their original copyright owners. No copyright infringement of any kind is intended. ] —
