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A Musical Draconic

Hello! I’m a music loving draconic who’s hoping to get into DJing professionally. I also study psychology on the side as a back-up plan if DJing doesn’t go anywhere. I’m additionally interested in math, science, cultural anthropology, and programming. My favourite games are Pokémon, Guild Wars 2, Okami, Legend of Zelda, and Smash Brothers. Favourite book series are Wings of Fire, Artemis Fowl, and Harry Potter. Favourite shows are A:TLA, HTTYD, The Legend of Korra, and Doctor Who. As for my blog, this is my personal blog. I pretty much blog about anything, but please let me know if you need certain things tagged (only applies to followers, please ask off anon). Name: Drayce Age: 22 Gender: Agender (they/them) Orientation: Asexual In a relation with Lilacdragoness.
