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A former professional student now moving into the big scary world of actual adulthood. A fan. Fandoms include but are not limited to: Marvel Universe (especially FitzSimmons, Agent Carter and Captain America), Teen Wolf (but mostly in a hate-filled way), The Americans, Parks and Recreation, due South, Hunger Games, Galavant, etc. etc. etc. Most of my fic now is FitzSimmons. You can also find lots of LuRe/ATWT stuff on my LJ. You will also see plenty of reblogged items regarding feminism/sexism, health and other political or social issues.



A former professional student now moving into the big scary world of actual adulthood. A fan. Fandoms include but are not limited to: Marvel Universe (especially FitzSimmons, Agent Carter and Captain America), Teen Wolf (but mostly in a hate-filled way), The Americans, Parks and Recreation, due South, Hunger Games, Galavant, etc. etc. etc. Most of my fic now is FitzSimmons. You can also find lots of LuRe/ATWT stuff on my LJ. You will also see plenty of reblogged items regarding feminism/sexism, health and other political or social issues.
