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They Call Me "Table Mama"

Katie, a homoromantic bisexual communication major (now graduated!) hardwired into the Internet and the numerous things on it. Gryffindor. SO Gryffindor. USA. 22. Foodie. Poet. Singer. Traveler. Nerdfighter. Particularly fangirling over The 100 and Sense8 at the moment, but also into Carmilla, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Marvel (I’m particularly in love with Captain Marvel [Carol Danvers incarnation, of course]), Arrow, Gilmore Girls, Firefly, Star Wars, Dragon Age, Castle, Bones, NCIS, Fringe, Lost, Avatar: The Last Airbender (& Korra, to a lesser extent - but I haven’t really gotten into it yet), Orange Is the New Black, theatre, cultures, linguistics, photography, spoken word poetry, archaeology, history, music of most all varieties, and a helluva lot more. Also a big proponent of social justice. If you’d like to know more about me, I tag it all under #me . Feel free to ask me questions and start conversations with me - I love talking with other people!

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