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That is Bitchin'

Hannah. 18. She/her. MA. Dental hygiene student. Judge Judy, Malala, and Ronda Rousey are my role models. Cats, Mocha, Luke Bryan and crying a lot is kinda my life right now. I nerd about art and science a lot. Some NSFW but I try to be tasteful and subtle about it. And yea.

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Hannah. 18. She/her. MA. Dental hygiene student. Judge Judy, Malala, and Ronda Rousey are my role models. Cats, Mocha, Luke Bryan and crying a lot is kinda my life right now. I nerd about art and science a lot. Some NSFW but I try to be tasteful and subtle about it. And yea.



Hannah. 18. She/her. MA. Dental hygiene student. Judge Judy, Malala, and Ronda Rousey are my role models. Cats, Mocha, Luke Bryan and crying a lot is kinda my life right now. I nerd about art and science a lot. Some NSFW but I try to be tasteful and subtle about it. And yea.
