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Anne's Retreat

I’m Anne, an asexual and biromantic white trans woman from Europe in her late 20s. I have pretty broad interests(with a focus in social sciences) but I’ll mainly be blogging about trans stuff, and about how chronic mental and physical illness affects my life. I’ll also reblog things that could be construed as “SJW stuff” but I just see it as being a decent person by trying to raise awareness for things. Though some would consider my political views to be a bit on the radical side, I’m pretty laid-back so don’t worry I won’t bite as long as you’re not being disingenuous. Also I’m a huge nerd and I love videogames :)

Feed: Related:


I’m Anne, an asexual and biromantic white trans woman from Europe in her late 20s. I have pretty broad interests(with a focus in social sciences) but I’ll mainly be blogging about trans stuff, and about how chronic mental and physical illness affects my life. I’ll also reblog things that could be construed as “SJW stuff” but I just see it as being a decent person by trying to raise awareness for things. Though some would consider my political views to be a bit on the radical side, I’m pretty laid-back so don’t worry I won’t bite as long as you’re not being disingenuous. Also I’m a huge nerd and I love videogames :)
