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The Master of The Scoopski Potato. The Fearless and Bold One. The Bad Ass of The Group. He The One and Only…Joe Gatto of TruTV’s Hit Show Impractical Jokers. There is no denying that Joe is the leader and most ballsy of the Troupe. He is all to willing to go where the others dare not to tread. This makes Gatto a force to be reckoned with on the show. But make no mistake under all of that Bad Assery lies a true and genuine sweetheart with a heart of gold that goes above and beyond for his friends and fans of the show. Joe Gatto is an avid activist against bullying and stands up and fights for those who can not. Joe is also the most beautiful and handsome of all the Jokers with his striking sky blue eyes and adorable smile. This Tumblr is dedicated to my favorite Joker Joe Gatto. Because Ya Know Everyday Should Be Reverse Hyperkenetic Particle Matrix Awareness Day….BA BOOOOM! var onlineOffsetTop = 72; window.jQuery || document.write('')
